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About us

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Ivan R.

We have risen from the bottom in the past 3 years, and now we are going to the top.

Ivan R.

Lana P.

I really feel like I'm becoming part of something great. (Also, I'm looking forward to bettering my drinking endurance. :) )

Lana P.

Berislav R.

EMSA could also stand for Exciting, Mesmerizing, Surprising, Amusing. Great way to spend your time outside the medical library.

Berislav R.

Damir M.

Emsa is like a big, colourful family. A set of special individuals who can always provide something creative and new. They are the kind of people that you can count on at any time.

Damir M.

About us

We are few individuals eager to make a difference.

As med students, we know how important science is for medicine development- there for, we organize Zagreb International Medical Summit where you can present your research. Not long from now, we will have to face real-life situations where our skills will be crucial, so we decided to make it possible for you to practice some of them on mannequins in the safe environment of Emergency Medicine Summer School guided by professors from Split, Zagreb and even New York. The reason why we do all of this is to make all of us better doctors for people around us. That is why, once a year, we have Teddy Bear Hospital in the center of Zagreb to get closer to our youngest patients, as well as their parents, family, and friends. We want all of them to meet us, get to know what we do, so once we step foot into the hospital, we would trust each other.


Board members

Barbara Borojević, president
Marija Pierobon, vice- president for internal affairs
Lana Palčić, vice-president for external affairs
Anamaria Jurčević, treasurer
Vilim Škrlin, secretary